As it currently stands Hawaii is just one of two states in the entire country to completely outlaw all forms of gambling. Every single form of gambling, even the tamest and least costly forms such as lottery and bingo are outlawed by the deeply anti-gambling Hawaii legal code. Given these seemingly insurmountable circumstances, it is quite plain to see that along with Utah, these two states are clearly some of the least accommodating places for a gambling industry to exist. Throughout this short round-up of Hawaii’s gambling laws we’ll touch on the reasons for the tough stance they have adopted, and investigate some potential inroads towards future gambling regulation in the Aloha State. As a result of the state’s laws, you won’t find the legal Hawaii gambling age anywhere on this page

Every year there is huge debate sparked by the release of statistics highlighting just how severe the outflow of capital is from Hawaii due to residents engaging in illegal and unlicensed gambling. Anybody with an affiliation and understanding of what life is like on the island will know that despite gambling being outlawed, there are plenty of opportunities to make bets and participate in betting in one form or another. Lost tax revenue through these gambling activities is a core component of the argument in favour of legalization, especially concerning the lottery where money raised in mainland states from lottery is used to fund socially benefiting projects and local charities.

The resistance to gambling reform is deeply rooted in Hawaii, as if it weren’t the luxury holiday island would have been transformed into a gambling oasis long-ago. The primary reason is the opinion of the local gerontocracy – the longstanding politicians who are mostly elderly hold onto the position that gambling reform would bring the wrong kind of people to their shores. Politicians on the island are obsessed with the idea of holding onto traditional Hawaiian values and vehemently resist approaches from private companies and foreign investors trying to wriggle their way in. The idea of Hawaii turning into a holiday destination for gambling is a nightmare scenario for many local leaders.

People play at a casino.

Future Outlook of Hawaii Gambling

There have been small glimpses of hope that change is on the horizon, in 2019 a bill was introduced to the local government that would allow Hawaiians to participate in national lottery draws such as Powerball and Mega Millions. It turned out this bill would be postponed and the debate around the issues were never truly discussed – so strong is the resistance to any rhetoric of gambling legalization that think tanks and research groups that have been tasked to investigate the economic benefits of a state lottery have been shut down by the local government and ordered to halt their work.

Of course, there are many people in Hawaii who would greatly love to see the islands change its approach to these issues. Indeed private investors are constantly knocking the door on this, as the profit making potential of such a shift in policy could be potentially huge for those who are able to win the contracts. But whilst the ageing GOP gerontocracy maintains its grip over this state we don’t expect to see any meaningful advancement of Hawaii gambling laws.


There are many complicated reasons for Hawaii being so opposed to gambling, and the determination to avoid all forms of influence from gambling conglomerates is deeply rooted into the social fabric of its people. Indeed, they believe the damage from a gambling industry would far outweigh the benefits – but as we have seen across the world, a regulated and controlled gambling sector can provide enormous benefits for local economies. Head on back to our homepage for more on the current status of gambling legality and age restrictions.

Frequently Asked Questions

Throughout this brief article we have brought you the latest facts and information regarding Hawaii gambling age restrictions. See below some of our most frequently asked question on this topic.

Why is there no lottery in Hawaii?

The reasons lottery gambling hasn’t made it to Hawaii are hotly debated, as many politicians don’t resist this particular type of gambling due to its societal benefit. One theory suggests Las Vegas based lobbyists don’t want Hawaii to become the new gambling-hub of the United States and lobby against any changes to its law.

Does Hawaii have online casinos?

No form of gambling is legal in Hawaii, but access to offshore casinos is not difficult to achieve for anyone with the right type of credit card and an internet connection.

Do Hawaiians bet on sports?

Sports betting is completely illegal in Hawaii, but the local population are known to have well-established unlicensed sports betting services. These services present a whole host of risks, but in short, they do exist and are incredibly popular.

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